Global Ambassador Application - Returned Student

全球形象大使 (GAs) are peer mentors to prospective 研究 abroad/研究 away students who promote our programs here on campus; through classroom presentations, 开放日活动, college-specific info sessions, pre-departure orientation events, or just talking one-on-one to a student.  

Please be aware this is an unpaid, volunteer position. By filling out and submitting the application, you acknowledge that you meet the eligibility requirements listed below and that the information you filled out is correct.


  • You agree to attend the Global Ambassador training sessions and team building or other activities.
  • You agree to attend and assist at both 出国留学 Pre-departure Orientations and the Global Education Fair.
  • You agree to participate in at least 3 出国留学/Study Away each semester (not including those mentioned above).
  • You have participated in a UNH 出国留学/Study Away experience.
  • You are in good academic and judicial standing.
  • You have at least one year left at UNH.
  • You will act as a (trained) Peer Mentor to prospective 研究 abroad/研究 away students.
  • You agree to represent the Global Education team in a responsible, professional manner.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. We will select the most qualified and motivated applicants, and include a good representation of students, 研究 abroad/研究 away locations, 大学, and types of programs in our final selection.  

If you have questions, please contact:
葆拉·米. DiNardo博士
Global Education Advisor

出国留学/Study Away Information
Please select which type of program you participated in or are interested in.
Global Ambassador Activities
作为一名归国学生, you are required to do the following as a Global Ambassador: Peer mentoring (talking to prospective 研究 abroad students in person, through email and/or Zoom), 活动策划, 促销活动 & execution (existing and new events). There will be opportunities to do other activities. Please mark one or more of the following you are interested in:

Global Ambassador Application Questions

Please answer the following 5 questions (use 200-300 words for each question).
Discuss any changes you have made based on your experiences abroad/away. Consider who you are now and how that may be different from who you were before you went abroad.
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