
UNH Sustainability for Today & 明天

As a public university and a national leader in sustainability, we believe we have a unique role, and we would say obligation, 在促进可持续发展方面发挥作用-通过我们自己的实践成为其他大学和组织的榜样, through the generation of cutting-edge knowledge, by acting as a catalyst and convener, 支持本地及区域社区的可持续发展, and helping cultivate the next generation of bold, 勇敢而有能力的可持续发展领导者通过我们的教育项目.

人们普遍认识到,这十年(2020-2030年)对于应对气候危机的行动至关重要, and more broadly, the urgency to achieve each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals which consider all aspects of a sustainable future, 包括所有人的尊严和所有地方的生态完整性.




联系 Kathryn Jerome to discuss your gift.

约瑟芬一. 七鳃鳗 (1940-2023): UNH Sustainability Champion

"I'm just the biggest champion there is of the university; I think it's a best-kept secret in the United States."

- Cameron 之后

Read the UNH Today story on Jo 七鳃鳗's Support


In life, Jo was a trailblazer and a changemaker. 七鳃鳗 2000年,在健康咨询领域取得成功后,加入家族能源企业. 她被发人深省的科学震惊了,这个国家的大部分温室气体, one of the main drivers of the climate change crisis, was coming from the residential oil sector. 乔认为这种情况既是机遇也是挑战,并制定了一项战略,在不加剧问题的情况下发展业务. 该公司在推广更高的能源效率方面非常成功,因此在2008年成为新英格兰地区第一家被评为“能源之星零售合作伙伴”的公司.

乔第一次与永利app新版本官网地址联系是在她帮助组织一个由永利app新版本官网地址可持续发展研究所执行主任参加的活动时, Dr. Tom Kelly and 研究 Professor, Dr. Cameron 之后 in 2007 called “This Old Planet Needs a Friend.“这是乔与大学接触的开始,尤其是, with the Sustainability Institute. Inspired by what she had learned from UNH sustainability experts, in 2011 she established the 约瑟芬一. 七鳃鳗 Professorship in Climate and Sustainability, which was held by Dr. 之后 from 2011-2023. 它是参与式研究和社区参与的混合模式, 解决复杂的可持续性挑战所需要的创新方法. Over the years, she grew her support for the Institute, 包括夏季可持续发展研究员计划和其他一般运营计划. 她的参与为支持联合国大学的可持续发展铺平了道路,并激发了其他重大捐赠, such as for 托马斯·W. Hass Professorship in Sustainable Food Systems.

乔的慈善支持尤其重要,因为虽然她想支持联合国大学的一个关键重点领域——气候和能源,但她也完全接受可持续性的综合性质,并明白气候和能源问题与生物多样性问题是不可分割的, culture and food systems. 她的支持使联合国大学能够推进反映可持续性相互关联问题的项目和活动,并在许多层面上发挥了关键作用. It is notable that she chose to support UNH, even though this isn’t her alma mater, 因为联合国大学在可持续发展方面的工作对该州的重要性, the region and the world. Jo will be deeply missed and always remembered.

The Sorensen Family: Supporting the Next Generation & Our Communities

Bella headshot

自2019年以来,索伦森家庭捐赠基金一直在为永利app新版本官网地址的学生提供非凡的现实体验. Each year, their gift supports a Sustainability Fellowship -帮助学生毕业时掌握关键的可持续发展技能,反过来, 帮助主办机构有意义地加强其可持续发展实践. During the summer of 2023, UNH student Bella Dziak '24, (社区 and Environmental Planning and Sustainability, (辅修工商管理)记录了缅因州南部和新罕布什尔州从事地面捕鱼的年轻渔民和妇女的生活, 煮呢, and lobstering. 贝拉捕捉到了新英格兰北部工作的海滨的精髓, with a focus on fishing ports in York, Kittery, 朴茨茅斯, 黑麦, and Seabrook/Hampton Harbor. 贝拉以照片和短视频的形式制作媒体,在所有社交媒体平台和新英格兰青年渔民联盟的发展网站上分享. 贝拉了解了小船渔业的多样性和动态性质,以及与商业渔业有关的文化和遗产. 该项目现在成为其他组织的模板,希望通过讲故事来增强他们的使命. 

Watch bella's final presentation and reflections 

托马斯·W. 哈斯: Advancing Equity & Sustainability

托马斯·W. 哈斯可持续食品系统教授是一个完全资助的教授,旨在促进可持续农业, 食物的选择, 营养, and economic and social well-being on and off campus. 它为教职员工提供资源,专注于新罕布什尔州和新英格兰食品系统的长期网络设计和规划. Building upon her previous 1.5-year term as 哈斯 Professor, 凯伦一个. 史必 works to deepen UNH’s participation in the Food Solutions New England 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge; develop new and strengthen existing relationships and collaborations on campus and across the state; and share her expertise with UNH faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 及以后.
Read the UNH Today story on the 哈斯 Professorship